Old photo restoration > Restore photograph > Photo reproduction
Photo reconstruction service that will impress you
What is so special about antique photography? The first thing people think about is unusual colours or photographed events. But the answer is slightly different. These are photo uniqueness and originality that make old pictures so valuable. Many years ago photo makers did not have proper photo equipment to take a lot of images during one event or celebration. It was big luck to make at least one or two pictures. Moreover, nowadays, even despite the great wish, people cannot do the same photos as most of photographed people are already not with us and photographed events are passed. Old printed pictures very often fall powerless victims to ruthless time, awful neglect and just age. But still their value is so high that people tend to ask for photo reproduction as soon as they notice that their old pictures have been damaged. Many of us still think that photo reconstruction is just a waste of time and it does not cost the devoted efforts. But our superb team of professional photo editors definitely disagrees with this old-fashioned fact. We believe that old photography is too precious to be neglected or thrown away. And if you agree with us or are in need of effective photo reproduction services, you have succeeded in choosing the great retouching company.

As soon as you have outsourced your old and damaged pictures to our editing agency, your photo manipulators will thoroughly assess the range and deepness of image destructions and decide what repairing techniques will be the best to reproduce old photos. Depending on the degree of picture spoiling we offer different kinds of photo repair services. All of them may be divided into antique photo restoration and photo reconstruction. The first kind of editing is applied when picture is not heavily damaged. It may be other a little bit torn, faded or just have some scratchers. That is the most widely-asked type of image restoration. The second photo repairing service enables photo manipulators to reconstruct pictures that have greater degree of destructions. Below you may read about all possible editing options that are used in the process of reproducing old photos.
When our editors are asked to reproduce old photos, it means that pictures are heavily damaged. In most cases they have missing parts or may be torn into pieces. Really such work demands solid knowledge and total patience to achieve success. Old photo restoration is the most advanced level of picture editing. And reproducing old photographs is the most time-taking and thus the most advanced kind of all restoration services.
Every process of retouching old photos starts with scanning the original variant. Every old picture is repaired digitally. To provide this option we use only high-quality and professional scanners that make photo copies in high resolution, at least 300 dots per inch. But still the best variant will be to choose 600 dpi in case out clients want to enlarge old photos. That will make the whole photo reproduction to be much easier to work with as quality pictures are always simple to restore.
If we have to give a new life to image that has been torn into small pieces, firstly we will reproduce old photos be using Lasso Tool to select every separate piece of damaged photo and create separate layers to work with them. After this manipulation in photo reproduction services has been done, we will continue reproducing pictures by masking off all edges. Here various sharp brushes in Adobe Photoshop will be the most effective, as they enable to remove all ripped papers or different white photo borders. When all these drawbacks have been successfully masked, all photo pieces can be joined together to achieve the complete picture. After this option we provide common spots, tears or scratchers removing, as they also are inevitable parts of reproducing old photographs.
Reproducing pictures also includes masking various scratchers and tears from the most important parts, mainly facial parts, of antique picture. Certainly reproducing old photos is not an easy and quick process. Getting rid of these disappointing photo problems may take up to several hours of laborious work, because each rip must be eliminated separately. On this restoration step out photo manipulators mainly employ popular Clone or Healing tool. Their size must be chosen individually depending on the kind of photo scratchers. Only by doing this photo reproduction will bring amazing results.
Superb photo reproduction services also include saving water or fire damaged photos. These kinds of reproducing old photos are often related to each other, since water is often used to fight fires. The biggest problem concerning this photo reproduction is that photo colors are often run into each other. Blurring colors are always hard to work with. But still we are not afraid of any old picture challenges.

Fading is also considered to be the inevitable and still not less disappointing part of reproducing old photographs. After all pieces have been brought together and all tears have been eliminated, antique images often cannot feed eyes due to absence of bright colors. In our modern world where photography must have just outstanding colors, tints and shades to become eye-catching, old pictures are not competitive at all. Thus, we will do the best to adjust brightness, correct photo contrast, saturate fading tones and darken too dark pictures.
One more option that is connected with repairing faded images is colorizing. It is applied only after all age drawbacks have been masked. To colorize old photos online we will apply only the most effective editing options to make your photos look like they have been taken several weeks ago, but not years or even decades. That is an essential part of further photo enhancement service as well as portrait editing or background changing/ enhancing.
According to your wish our picture editors may also enlarge old black and white photo as this option is also a part of photo reconstruction. Very often to restore damaged photos it is not enough just to eliminate tear or spots. Every saved photo must look impressively to become an alluring part of every photo collection. And that is our main aim concerning reproducing old photos.
Definitely, all described repairing techniques are not enough to fix old photos in awesome way. The range of restoration tools to reproduce old photos is much wider, but our experienced photo manipulators are knowledgeable in all of them. Is it enough to trust your antique photography to our photo reproduction services? If no, below you may read the list of our undeniable advantages.
Reproducing old photographs by one of the best restoration companies
Our skilled photo editors perform all types of photo restoration. Definitely our experience in this sphere makes our services of reproducing pictures just perfect and chosen by numerous customers that have already given up thoughts about saving their damaged pictures. We have presented them with magic of picture repairing. Now they again have an opportunity to enjoy their images, which look like new and modern photos.
Every time to restore photograph we apply only the best and the most advanced restoration techniques. Our photo manipulators develop and improve their knowledge in reproducing pictures every working day to give old images a new life. That is our aim and we are doing everything to achieve it.
To prove that our photo reproduction company is one of the best contemporary repairing agencies, we are eager to present you with photo restoration examples. We hope that these samples will make you believe in our professionalism and ability to save your antique photography. Devote at least some minutes to assessing their quality and you will not regret about this decision.
Professional photo restoration is always expensive as picture restoration prices are the highest in the list of all editing rates. But still if you think about that tremendous amount of techniques that must be provided, you will realize that they are quite reasonable. Remember that excellent quality always has its price.