Old photo restoration > Restore photograph > Antique photo restoration
Antique photo restoration service of high quality
Since the significant invention of photography pictures have opened a totally new window on the forgotten past. And the first thing that is closely connected with already passed events is old pictures. Such antique photos allow people to have an impressive first-hand view on life style of previous generations. But still that is not the only factor that has made antique photography so valuable. Due to the intensive development of modern photo equipment, documenting every little moment of various family activities or just daily routine is a quite simple task. Everybody has tones of shots and snaps that capture almost every single activity. We do not think about the high prices of printing paper and photo equipment, because they are quite affordable to all of us. But still such tendencies have brought one crucial disadvantage concerning photo sphere. Due to simplicity of picture making and a great amount of made photos, their cost has gone down in value. People as usual do not think that photos may be precious. And that is the biggest mistake.

However, the situation with old photography is totally different. Even some decades earlier making a photo was a great problem. And hundred years ago it was a truly rare event. Thus, such pictures are of extreme significance. But still we know that the life expectancy of a picture depends much upon the handling and care that it constantly receives. Antique images may be easily damaged by improper storage, display or care.
Fortunately, thanks to vintage photo restoration such pictures may be given a new life. Our retouching company is ready to restore all your family photos and just vintage images that are of extreme price. We are enthusiastic photo manipulators that have organized editing business for the sake of saving precious moments that have been captured in pictures. Every person is likely to have a number of family prints that definitely date back several decades. But their quality does not always let them to be hung as appealing images on walls or to be kept in family albums. So often people ask for advanced old photo restoration because of sentiment and wish to return already lost moments. And if you read this article about antique photo repair, it means that your old pictures need restoration. Definitely you have made the right choice about retouching company.
Outstanding vintage photo restoration
It is not a secret that old photography is very sensitive to the relentless time and improper storage. For instance, constant humid environment is able to bring the problem of mold damages. Flood destructions are also in the list of frequent problems connected with vintage images. Actually, the list of reasons that can spoil your photos, which are kept for a long time, is quite diverse. But still no matter what disaster have affected your photography, everything can be fixed by our skillful editors. Our company provides photo repair services of all levels of difficulty, but the most frequently asked order is to restore slightly damaged photography. And below we will describe some the most used techniques that are applied in antique picture restoration.
First of all, the most wide-spread problem concerning old photos, which have been kept for a long time, is picture fading. Faded photos are not so bright. Colors in such images are not so deep, as black color becomes visibly less dark and light colors less vivid. That is why our photo manipulators provide boosting photo contrast. For achieving this goal we will paint in visible shadows and highlights. Sometimes it is necessary to separate the existing faded background from the picture foreground. That is why such photo reconstruction is certainly laborious and skill-demanding.
One more photo issue that can be easily removed by applying antique photo restoration is cropping untidy picture borders. Very often vintage pictures are kept in boxes close to each other. Or they are framed to be displayed as valuable captured moments on tables or nightstands. In both cases borders of pictures can be spoilt. But that is not a problem for our photo manipulators.
Removing disappointing speckles, lines and dark spots is also in the list of light antique photo repair. To restore damaged photos of this kind, our talented editors will use special spot healing tool. Its size will be selected as small as possible, so despite being truly time-consuming, it is able to bring perfect outcomes. Moreover, clone stamp tool is also of high importance, because it is able to brush back in some photo texture with taking a color sample from elsewhere in the old photo.

In addition to previously mentioned restoration options, we may colorize old photos online. This technique is usually applied to already renewed pictures to make them look as modern photography. Everything will be done according to your vision of finally edited pictures as old photos are too precious to be neglected and spoilt. One more widely-used option that is in high demand is changing final photo size. Our photo manipulators will enlarge old photos to make them look just outstanding. If it is needed we may enlarge old black and white photo in case working with this type of photography. Besides, the main problem concerning B & W images is that such photo colors may get yellow. But this drawback can be easily fixed.
After old photos are already repaid, our retouching agency also may provide further picture improving. This brilliant photo enhancement service includes teeth whitening, impressive skin smoothing or hair editing. Actually on your demand we are ready to apply any appearance enhancing technique. Certainly, there will be no regrets about choosing exactly our agency that specialize in painstaking retouching old photos.
Best-quality antique picture restoration with photo restoration company
Are you still hesitating about choosing exactly this picture editing company? Than you should know that we can boast about having more than 10 years in photo editing business. That helps us to maintain really high-quality services. Believe us that only our retouching team will treat your old photography as carefully and thoroughly as possible. So, the final restored pictures will be not less than just mesmerizing.
This editing agency offers brilliant digital photo repairing services that bring clean saved copies of damaged photography. We will send these repaired copies of extremely high-quality, so that you will be able to print them. Moreover, digital copy will save the original photo view in case other damages.
The most impressive advantage that makes our editing company so alluring is our picture restoration prices that despite the great amount of used techniques remain to be quite low. For saving your valuable photographs you will have to pay a really affordable price. But still it does not lower the quality of provided restoration. Certainly we will apply all necessary and up-to-date options to fix old photos on absolutely high level for satisfying our customers.
To help our clients to understand the real worth of offered repairing services we have posted our photo restoration examples. Sometimes when you see renewed images it is quite difficult to notice the work that was carried out. But when you look at raw pictures the difference becomes quite obvious. Furthermore, it helps customers to realize that in order to restore photograph a really diverse range of repairing techniques must be provided.
Definitely our company is open to accept various offers from our customers. Our enthusiastic photo retouchers work hard to make your family keepsakes alluring again. This business is wonderfully rewarding, as it enables us to bring our clients from forgotten and faded past to really vibrant life. So, any working day you are welcome to send your vintage photographs to be restored!