Old photo restoration > Restore photograph > Photo repair
Professional photo repair services
Since the first photo was taken, the photography industry has been gaining in popularity and demand around the world. Taking photos became easier and easier with every year, as the new techniques of photography improvement were implied. From the ancient times, the reproducing of the human in the form of statues and paintings was of the great importance. Every artwork brought the history and reproduces crucial events, which must not be forgotten. Through the centuries of hard work, the photo mostly replaced the statues and paintings. As the art of photography became accessed by humans, they started to create the history of their kin.

Photo repair is a kind of photo editing services, which includes retouching old photos and enhancement of their appearance, which was damaged by natural, man-made, or environmental causes or just affected by the age or neglect. The old picture repair is the hard way taking hours of work. The photo editor must not only remove the devastating errors from the repairing photographs but also put a photo puzzle together or slick up the hues, using a photo enhancement service. Such techniques as colorize old photos online and photo reconstruction are also applicable for the aim of old photo restoration.
Family history is valuable for grandparents, parents, and children. The photos are priceless part of the family and the way to save memories. Parents tell their children about the ancestries and show old faded photo album, hoping it will be inherited to the descendants, as a family relic. Our memories are washed away with time and some special moments can be forgotten at all. So, the vintage photos always save our memories on the bottom drawer of the bureau. The family photo album is like a book, which opens you intimate and secret moments of your ancestries’ lives. Looking through the black and white photos once again, you notice elements, which you didn’t notice before. What is more, the festive photos make up happy, and feel yourself as if everything is a reality at that moment. On the contrary, of course, some shots cause frustration and mixed emotions. Your old friends arise in front of you, as 30 years ago and your grandmother hugs you, a small girl. Definitely, the photos have power over our memories and emotions.
As time goes by, the photos become shabby, faded, washed out, and can be torn up due to neglect use or improper keeping. Anyway, these images of withered gray color keep your soul and get mixed feelings. However, we always want to have the intact and vibrant photos in the album. Firstly, because the picture carries the story of particular day or moment, which is troubled by memories. Secondly, the vibrant and clear shot is likable by our eyes. What is more, the family album is the precious thing, which is passed on from generation to generation. It is always curious to know more about the ancestors’ way of life, their looks and emotions. Moreover, every photo is the moment, which cheers up and rises our spirit.
Today, a new age in photo industry gives us an opportunity to document family activities and a daily basis. We don’t care about the shots limit and have thousands of images on the laptop. These photos are easy to keep. There is no danger that they could be damaged or tore. But look at the photos dated back decades. They are not appealing and it is difficult to distinct the faces or elements on some shots. You might don’t have negatives to create the image again. In this case, the help of professional photo retouchers is coming. There is a wide range of old picture repair techniques. The photo editors understand the importance of photo repair services and pay them more attention. The insight of old images value makes the photo editor's work assiduous. The antique photo restoration gives another life your photos. The spotted, strained, torn and degraded photos will turn into the appealing shot with a clear look. Restore damaged photos and get rid of poor, damaged and faded ones.
The photo repair shop gives an opportunity to upload your tore, old school photos and download new, eye-candy, clear, enhanced images in few days. Millions of people have already given preference to photograph repair restoration services and enjoy the photo albums reviews. By using photo repair services, you can reduce damaged photos and give them a new lease of life. Nowadays, many photo editing companies offer to repair photographs online. They have been working with repairing photo for a long time and provides a list of photograph repair techniques. We would like to clear up the work of photo repair shop and look into the basic photograph repair restoration tools.

Photo repair shop
If you want to fix old photos, choose photo repair shop. The repairing photographs are the long way of tense work. The Photoshop has a strong power. You can repair photos yourself, using the tutorial advice. The photograph repair restoration is described gradually, what is very helpful. However, we recommend sending your damaged photos to photo repair shop, as it is foolproof. The main thing you should do is only to describe your requirements in details. The photo repair services vary from the color enhancement to putting up the photo like a puzzle. Some of the services require hours of work. You should figure all photograph repair tools out to understand what you need exactly. We would like to tell you about the basic as well as infrequent photo repair services.
Coffee strain removal
Before repairing photographs, the damaged photo should be cleaned up from the strains on the surface. For example, it could be coffee strains, which appeared because of neglect use. Using a photo for a drinks mat is never a good idea. You know the water rings ruin the print and the colors become faded. The photo editor has to restore the color gradually, as deflection means nothing good.
The creases and folds repairing
Never think about throwing photo away, if it is much damaged and tore. This photo can help bring back memories and means everything for somebody. Repairing a folded and creased shot takes time, but the result is worth the wait. Common sense and patience are the keys to successful repairing photo.
The reconstruction of water damaged photo
To remove water strain is not a problem for a professional photo editor. The photo editor easily copes with chemical spills and water damage, what ruin the base of the photo. Of course, it is not so easy to return original condition of the photo, as it seems. But don’t be afraid, if your photos got wet. The photo repair will help you.
The adding in the missing pieces
Most mages will benefit from some kind of clean up. It is just enough to remove distracting objects and shadows that interfere with a flowing composition. However, sometimes there are images that are tore and don’t have pieces. In this case, the photo editor must go through the hassle. The restore photograph goes through the full reconstruction, paying special attention to the original look and feel of the photo. The repairing photo has a look as if it has never been damaged. No evidence of restoration is visible.
The restoration of the cracked and flaky surface of a photo
The photos, which were taken decades ago, are very sensitive to moisture. The photos become faded due to keeping in heat or wet conditions. The emulsion and surface are washed away. Don’t leave the images in the garage or damp loft. Dry the photos and scan them to be restored. You can always throw away the photos. Give them a new breath, using photo repair service.

Removing distraction
From the first look at a photo, you can’t notice some unwanted elements. However, the distraction is often present in the photo. The photo editor can skillfully clean lines and remove all visual distractions. It could be people in the background or hair across the face. This tool means the whole photo background changing. The one more fitting background is chosen by the photo editor.
Flood damaged photos
Flooding to your belongings can come as quite a shock, especially when precious family photos are affected. The colors can be blurry or worn in some spots. The full photograph repair is necessary here. The careful efforts and patience are required, as it takes an amount of time. Some unrecognizable parts of the photo can be cropped and the rest is repaired.
Enlargement old photos
The photograph repairs include also enlargement. If it is required to make a portrait to decorate the living room, the photo editor resorts to enlarge old photos. At first, the photo goes through the enhancement, and then obtain the right size. The repair photographs are mostly faded grey and old school. The photo editor can enlarge old black and white photo with ease.
Old photo enhancement
The photo enhancement is the final step of old picture repair. It depends on the personal customer's requirements. The photo editor can improve the image, upon the request. He can whiten teeth, remove skin blemish, remove a person from a photo, or place another person on the photo. The old photo colorizing and fades adjusting are also the part of enhancement.
Repair photographs with our photo restoration company
The photo repair is the tense gradual work, which requires skillful usage of Photoshop. If you are a professional user of Photoshop, you can repair photos by yourself. However, we recommend you to find the highly qualified photo restoration company, which provides photo repair service and outsource your old damaged pictures. It will save your personal time and the wishful result is worth to wait.
Our photo editing company FixThePhoto provides photo editing services, which gained popularity among professional photographers. The aim of our company is to end up with poor and dim-light photos. We have customers worldwide and accomplish work on the high level. Our efficient photo editors work with different types of photo retouching and leave customers satisfied. Any your dream will become a reality.

We would like to give you three reasons that convince you to choose our old picture repair services. Firstly, we are first-rate photo editing company and our clients are mostly well-known professional photographers. Secondly, our skillful photo editors know all photo repair techniques and cope with any level of photo editing. You can check photo restoration examples. Thirdly, we offer reasonable picture restoration prices, and have various packages and discounts.
In addition, we patiently cooperate with our customers and take into the consideration all their requirements. We keep in touch with every client and consulate with them. We know that the photo repair service is one of the hardest because it is impossible without creativity. Some elements are absolutely washed away from the repair photos and must be renewed. The photo editor has to feel the value of each repairing photo because it is of great importance for a family album. He repairs photos tremulously and every vintage photo gains a new look. So, the client could put the repair photographs in the family album with proud.
We also want to tell you about the history of our company and achievements in photo retouching industry. We have been working since 2003 in the area of digital photo editing and gained success. We are high appreciated by our golden customers. In 2014 it was a peak of our popularity. In that time our team retouched more than 90000 online photos for various property companies and private clients. We understand that every country has its own traditions and customs them and consult with every client, respecting them. Our clients are satisfied with our work and positively describe the work of our photo retouches. The describe their work, as accurate and fruitful. Especially they like our personal approach. We strongly record you our photograph repairs services. Don’t hesitate, send your photos to us and you grandmother will be proud of you.