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Famous modern photographers who surprised us in 2017

Famous modern photographers undoubtedly rule the world of photo art. Surely, this profession is not in the list of the easiest occupation. It requires solid practice, talent, sense of style and beauty. In order to achieve the appreciated professional level lots of things have to be learned, understood and done. Usually photographers combine responsibilities of taking photos and retouching them. Thus, specialists should know all aspects of photo work from standard improving to offering photo restoration services.

Still, there are unique people that prove the real prestige of this profession. Our team has prepared an inspiring collection of the most famous photographers today. In case you are eager to make masterpiece photographs by your own hands, the great idea will be to observe photo sample done by the best. Notice what peculiarities make these photos unrivalled and try to repeat the same result.

The list of the most famous photographers today

1. Andreas Gursky (Germany)

Genre: architectural and landscape, fine art photography

This master is able to capture everyday routine in a special intriguing form. The main specialty is that he captures those places that do not exist in reality. Modern digital manipulation helps him in this task. Most of these works are easily recognized due to humongous view. Still, not all of them have such characteristics. 






Many critics compare his photos with Pollock`s art. There is one considerable difference. People do not need to have deep feeling of abstract notions to understand his photography.

2. Annie Leibovitz (America)

Genre: Portraits

Works of this photographer have already become a valuable element in contemporary photography. Really, her photo collection is rich, because it consists of both commercial portraits and personal photography. 






She work in Rolling Stone magazine and her contribution to it was huge. For this she was owned with a position of chief photographer. She is a bright example of how work can be combined with personal development. 

3. Chris McCaw (America)

Genres: B&W photos





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThis photographer has become famous due to his originality. All outcomes he prints with special platinum palladium procedure. To make photos mind-blowing this famous photographer captures long exposures mainly of skyscrapers or different landscapes. For achieving this he uses cameras with large format that he makes at home. To discover more about monochrome pictures read How to colorize a black and white photo in Photoshop easy

4. Cindy Sherman (America)

Genre: Conceptual portraits





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleShe is a great sample of postmodern artistic world. Her most famous work consists of 69 images that display her in an unusual enigmatic scene. Many photographers value her ability to display various subjects from movies that do not exist. 

5. Didier Massard (France)

Genre: magical realism





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleAlthough he presents few photos per year, hair-raising photo illusions make every example unforgettable. He, as one of famous photographers 21st century, names every image as his displaying of his inner world. Judging from it, we come to a conclusion that patience and slow rhythm are his first characteristics. 

6. Francesca Woodman (America)

Genre: B&W photos



wb-woman-francescaDuring a short life-period, 22 years, she took over 800 photos. Every outcome is famous because of unusual identity, innovative techniques and unrepeatable vision. Maybe this fact has made her works subjects for heat discussions and critical studies. Today you also have a chance to enjoy pictures done by this the best photographer in world according to mind of many critics.

7. Gregory Crewdson (America)

Genre: realistic 





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe whole photo collection done by this artist can be compared with science-fiction films. The main subject is always nature. It is usually moody, a little dark, but still full of inside strength and calmness. 

Every image makes a viewer seduce into a separate story. He planned every photo so carefully that there is a definite feeling that it is rather a film than an average shot. Moreover, as many other famous modern photographers he displays life without decorations.

8. Hendrik Kerstens (Denmark)

Genre: “painting” style





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleCritics have already noticed the similarity between photos by this master and famous paintings. We all know that Dutch painters always hold leadership in terms of this art. 

The biggest part of his works was done with the support of his daughter. He captured her in the style of Rembrandt or Vermeer paintings. At least the composition is almost the same. 

9. Hiroshi Sugimoto (Japan)

Genre: Life photography





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleLike most famous photographers today works by this artist serve as time capsules that display different life events. His favorite topic is unsolved conflict between life and death. This photographer values discipline most of all. Thus, all photos are divided into series. For viewers it is quite easy to enjoy these masterpieces. For instance, the last series are Theatre and Seascapes.

10. Ryan McGinley (America)

Genre: Real-life photography



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe most incredible thing about this photographer is that he was the youngest master that enjoyed a solo show at highly-appreciated Whitney Museum of American Art. For this he is named as one of the most valued and famous photographers in history of America.

It is hard to define one style, because the photo genre developed together with his experience. That is common for famous American photographers. 

Famous photographers on Instagram

Currently more than 100 million people cannot imagine their lives without so popular program as Instagram. To prove this read Best social media for photographers are useful tools for marketing

Surely, because of such a tremendous number, it is quite hard and even impossible to become widely recognized in this social network. Still, there is the list of best photographers that had luck to be noticed and further they became popular. That will be the list of American photographers and all of them will be classified according to the state they come from. 

So, famous photographers 21st century on Instagram are:

1) Alyssa Vaphiades (Alabama)

Genre: portraiture, wedding





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThis artist uses Instagram in order to promote and advertise her photo works. Still, it is her only goal. She also tends to communicate with the whole world, by expressing her feelings to it. Rich photo colors help to convey right emotions.

2) Ash Adams (Alaska)

Genre: street photos



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleHer account supplies people with the opportunity to see the far state. Due to such distance this state has many stereotypes and can impress everybody. People tend to have a wrong image of Alaska, so that photos revealing unusual sides of it enable Ash to be in the number of the best modern photographers.

3) Donjay (Arizona)

Genre: combination (models + landscapes)



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleFor those users that have solid experience in dealing with Instagram, this name will definitely be familiar. Despite the fact that this master of photography uses a popular scheme, photos are always eye-catching. They enable to see Arizona from the different angle.

4) Jeff Rose (Arkansas)

Genre: photos of wild nature

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleAlthough his early career was connected more with painting, he has understood that photography is his everything. Now he is in the number of most famous photographers today. His works are widely used for advertising purposes by different international brands. 

5) Jonpaul Douglass (California)

Genre: surrealism and minimalism





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleBeing named many times as the best photographer in world in a minimalistic style, Jonpaul now is a recognized commercial photographer. He collaborates with huge modern brands as Apple and Instagram. In all his photos he is fond of incorporating absurdity, deep sense of design and humor. 

6) Nicholas Pritchett (Delaware)

Genre: realistic



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThat is the brilliant example of the greatest photographs of all time that had their career start on Instagram. He thoroughly observed and learned to other users took and retouched their photos. With this background knowledge he has found his perfect place in this social net. 

7) Brian Ladder (Florida) 

Genre: landscapes





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleSure thing that Miami is a place that can inspire everybody. This photographer is not an exception. All his pictures are full of pastel colors that are completed by bright sunsets and authentic beaches. Thanks to such works everybody can enjoy sunny Florida that is compared with real paradise.

8) Kelia MacCluskey (Georgia) 

Genre: life photography





hands-leaves-photoBeing a successful graduate of College of Art and Design this photo master knows for sure what components must be taken into account to achieve a masterpiece. The most surprising thing is that she uses most IPhones to get the result. Amazingly she proves that for real talent expensive equipment is not needed.

9) Ha’a Keaulana (Hawaii)

Genre: portraits and landscapes





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleBeing in the list of famous modern photographers, this artist focuses attention on depicting human beauty in the background of breath-taking views of Hawaii`s beaches. The result of such talent and work is obvious. Her photos attract more attention to wonderful Aloha state.

10) Josh Packer (Idaho)

Genre: nature photography





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThis talented person uses Instagram not as time-eater, but as a tremendous source of fresh inspiring ideas. Parker is in constant search of innovative techniques that will make his photography unforgettable. Thus, he may turn even a simple photo of potato into a definite masterpiece. Besides, he is a practical retoucher that is fond of photo manipulating options. 

11) Danny Frazier (Iowa)

Genre: B&W





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe chosen photo topic by this master is not usual. In every picture he tries to convey helplessness of people that struggle from rural devastation. Some people consider photography of this style to be too dark, but many others like this genre.

12) Mark Flening (Maine)

Genre: sport



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleHave you ever noticed that all roads during fall look unbelievably beautiful? This specialist, that one day may be called as the best photographer in world, tries to depict this wonderful beauty. Warm rich colors in combination with picturesque views are his keys to international success. As he claims the only things you need to take perfect photography is free time, a car and a camera.

13) Smita Jacob (Massachusetts)

Genre: street



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThis is the best representative of famous street photographers. She considers Boston to be her native city. Thus, we have excellent opportunity to enjoy this city from an angle of his resident.

14) Becca Ralfafara (Montana)

Genre: landscapes





famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleSurely, this state is rich in different parks. One of the most famous is Glacier Park. Being a ranger, Becca has opportunity to enjoy the best views of totally untouched places. All photos are done so professionally that even without retouching they look incredibly cool. 

15) Johnny Lace (Nevada) 

Genre: portraits



famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe range of photo themes like in other famous photographers on Instagram is wide. Still, wildness of nature is her favorite. 

The most famous photographers today by Sony Awards

 The year 2017 is rather rich in talented photographers and just ordinary people for whom taking photos is just a cool hobby. More than 200,000 people took part in a special competition that was organized by Sony Awards. This way, lots of famous photographers 2017 and just amateurs sent varied photo works. All of them were classified according to special topics. In each topic several winners were chosen. They were given a title of top photographers in the world for the current year.

1) Khalid Alsabat

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThis photographer captured an old and experienced Chinese fisherman. In the photo he is dressed in the traditional clothes holding the net and standing on a hand-made bamboo boat. Besides, there are two hungry cormorants that are ready to catch fish any minute. This picture resembles Hemingway`s famous story. 

2) John Tao

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleUsually great photographers are talented at capturing not only professional models. In case they have enough patience and determines to take pictures of wild nature, it means that a person is quite gifted in this sphere. The photo “Whale dance” can be undoubtedly called an unrivalled masterpiece. It combines power and patience.

3) Jelena Jankovich

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe photo called “Illuminating” raises an important modern problem of massive effect. Surely, for contemporary society where social nets are common things, crowd effect is a huge drawback. This photo expresses this idea. Just look, only two people have power to be different. But still, the thing they do is making selfie, again for social nets. 

4) Homare Hamada

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleTop contemporary photographers must be good not only at catching еру right moment, but also at using sophisticated options like in our photo restoration samples. This is a great sample of such knowledge. Homare had enough patience to catch a falling satellite over a picturesque lake somewhere in Bulgaria. 

5) Ivan Miladinov

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe photo is called simple and totally understandable. The title is just “Beautiful”. Really, Ivan was right. An image of completely untouched wood nowadays is a view of rare beauty. The landscape captured here is located in Balkan. The photo was taken in 2016.

6) Mohammad Alnaser

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleWe cannot claim that Africa- themed photos are popular among famous modern photographers. Still, such pictures must be shown to the public due to their originality and authentic beauty. This majestic work done by one of famous photographers 21st century proves this idea. 

7) Tran Minh Dung

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleWhat is the first thing that comes into your mind as you hear about Chile? Surely, that is rice fields and total patience. In some unbelievable way this photographer managed to convey and combine these two common for China things. 

8) Ales Krivec

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThe masterpiece entitled “Music Island” will never let you indifferent. Famous current photographers know how to make viewers be mesmerized by their photos. This picture looks as if it was taken somewhere in the fairytale. The captured nature is simultaneously still and majestic. 

9) Hendrik Mandla

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleEven a foggy night can be full of mystery and undeniable beauty. The surface captured on the photo does not look like a common one. From the first sight people see rather cosmos landscape. That is one more provident that our planet is full of amazing things that not everybody can notice.

10) Federico Rekowski

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleAgain this work proves that only the best photographers in the world are able collaborate with wild nature and get benefits from such troublesome collaboration. This artist always was eager to take a photo that would reflect the real unstoppable power of running water. Huge waterfalls suit for this idea most of all. 

11) Nadia Aly

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleAre you still thinking that penguins are peaceful creatures? Top photographers will ruin this wrong idea. Watch this photo of hunting “masters of Antarctica” and get totally amazed by their graceful manners.

12) Linda Cutche

famous-modern-photographers-photo-retouching-sampleThis tree is famous in New Zealand.  Thus, this artist faced the huge challenge. Many famous nature photographers captured the same scene. Still, she was not afraid to present her own vision of this beauty. And as practice showed, this decision was totally right. 

In case you are motivated enough to make the same masterpieces and to fill up the ranks of famous photographers of today, we claim that there is nothing impossible. Just remember that every mistake can be hidden by professional retouching. We present time-checked services with modest photo restoration prices. Devote time to self-development as a photographer and do not bother about this monotonous work shouldered by our specialists. 

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