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The Power of Beauty – the Most Beautiful Women of All Time

Women are capable to bewitch men in a blink of an eye, it is not a secret already. Why? Gods know why, that’s how this crazy world works I guess. Look at men: they don’t have to do as much with their appearance but they still endear us to themselves. Most women are crazy about various treatments, makeup techniques, beauty procedures, diverse tricks and gimmicks that help us stay lean and in shape. We do our utmost to look our best every single day.


 We follow trends and meticulously work up our personal style, find things that suit us the most, flatter our figure, complexion, eye color whatever.  There is so much stuff women do in order to stay appealing, young and fresh. And the most confusing thing about the weak sex is that the less effortless we make our “beautifying” process look, the better. It does not always, nevertheless, mean that the better genes you have, the less work you do. It’s not how it works in this world, alas, girls. Here is, however, the ultimate dilemma of all the representatives of the gentle sex – there always have been such unique women, who really did not have to do much and could be easy-breezy about looking after themselves. Why so?


These women have been endowed by radiating and unique beauty by Mother Nature. And so they have been enrapturing all around them with their beauty vibes and perfectly dazzling, effortless-looking appearances. Thanks to photo restoration services amazing photographs of the world’s most beautiful woman ever have been restored. Therefore, we have a great opportunity to observe these nature’s unique creatures, the most beautiful woman of all time like the ones in this YouTube video – “Top 10 Most Beautiful Women Of All Time”.

Unknown most naturally beautiful women of all time

We are so accustomed to the thought already that the most beautiful women ever are celebrities, superstars or plain well-off people, who can afford luxury clothes, gorgeous spa and cosmetic procedures, makeup artists’ services, etc. We are already biased towards the notion of real beauty nowadays, alas, towards the natural beauty that stays fresh and beguiling even through ages. It is a habitual thought for us that beauty comes with a great price, mostly in a literal meaning. However, it is not true at all. It’s our modern society that has distorted our perception of real beauty and how it comes to life.  Some of the most naturally beautiful women of all time were and are not celebrities or well-heeled folks whose beauty is mostly obliged to fortune and social status. Luckily enough we have a great opportunity to observe real beauty from the previous years, decades and even centuries with the help of modern technologies. Nowadays we are able to enjoy some of the Most famous photographs and the history behind them just because they can be easily restored and brought back to life. Isn’t that amazing? In the same way we talked about in one of our articles – Vintage celebrity photography – How to repair old photos in Photoshop – these amazing photographs of some of the most naturally beautiful women of all time were brought back to life as well. 


For instance, this beautiful young lady with luxurious thick wavy hair and angle-like face. Dazzling natural beauty as it really is. No extensions, fake lushes, tons of makeup that disguise the real face and all of that artificial stuff that we call “beauty” in our contemporary society.  Here is another example of natural beauty. This woman can be righteously called an attractive lady, since she can pull out that I-am-not-trying-but-I-stay-attractive kind of look, you know. She is, apparently, at home, where she feels most comfortable, so she doesn’t even try to look fancy or something. It’s the other way round she was for, presumably. Humbleness and shyness, purity and serenity – that’s what we can see in the photo below. By the way, not many women can pull together a stunning appearance with a stocking being torn, but this pretty creature surely could. And that’s how real beauty works its magic, my friends. Authenticity is the key, without any doubt.   


Let’s talk about the Far East now. We’ve been accustomed to seeing a Caucasian female more frequently to being called one of the World’s most beautiful woman ever. Notwithstanding the fact that most world-known and prosperous metropolises are cosmopolitan and host a vast diversity of representatives of various nationalities, as well as races, we still tend to adhere to some definite beauty standards. Why not embracing that full diversity of beauty that Mother Nature offers to us?  We all are so different and that’s what make us gravitate towards each other, get interested in one another. That is exactly what we have to appreciate in cherish. Just look at this gorgeous Nepaly lady. Her facial features, her majestic glance, queer, but so alluring national clothes cannot but be notices, can they? I would really love to admit how beautiful her national garments and accessories look, how harmonious they appear to be with her exotic beauty. Authenticity, ones again, makes its thing. Isn’t this old mesmerizing photo one of the best proofs that there are most naturally beautiful women of all time. And most importantly, that race does not presuppose if a person can be called beautiful or not or how attractive an individual will be deemed by the surrounding world. Beauty is international, above all those biases and marketing rules.   


The following photo corroborates the idea that was introduced from the very beginning in the article – average women can also be knock-down beautiful, no doubt. This photo image is, apparently, from the 20s. That was exactly the times when women started a new fashion revolution. They renounced madly uncomfortable corsets and longed for something more snug and comfy. She is sitting so innocent in the photo, so peaceful and sound, but still so exceedingly attractive and sexy. Don’t you think? This tender smile and mild look say more about hers personality, about what kind of women she was. See, no special clothes, poses and pretentious, fake facial expressions. That is exactly what endears people and stirs their genuine interest.


Here is one more example of oriental beauty. This young lady can definitely be called one of the most beautiful women ever notwithstanding her status or wealth. This woman represents Japanese beauty with all its authenticity. With her traditional clothes on and a habitual hairdo for this culture and nationality, she definitely stirs our imagination with this photo picture. She seems to be so focused, humble and with stern, purposeful character. Just like her gaze. Nevertheless, the photo does not seem to be appalling or wintry, but vice versa. Humbleness but confidence at the same time combined with some stunning natural features – that is a definite combo of the most beautiful woman of all time.


I’ve always wondered how it happened that women now consider the lack of clothes and humbleness to be attractive and dare call it beautiful nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, anyone may do anything they think is necessary or what goes with them. Everyone has a right for their own choice. Nevertheless, this a bit unwise standards have also contributed to our distorted conception of real beauty. Less clothes and more skin – that seems to be the motto of the majority of women nowadays. That’s how they ensure they will be noticed by men. That’s how they think they will endear them to their personalities and get interested. Well, sorry to break your beliefs, if you are one of the, but it’s completely not true. It may work of course, but a bit differently. But I am sure everyone already knows that, although there are still so many women, who are still delusional about that. I always appreciated the way women used to get clothes: elegant, reserved, but attractive nevertheless. They could show just enough with their outfits without exposing too much, living some mystery behind them. That’s what contemporary women should pay attention to and keep in mind. “Less is more” does not necessarily concern the amount of clothes that is necessary for looking feminine and attractive. This vintage photo upholds the ides, showing how women could be appealing without being too sexual, without using tons of cosmetics or whatever.


And one more incredible example of one of the world’s most beautiful woman ever. This mesmerizing Luzon lady looks simple, effortless but breathtakingly beautiful. Simple, natural and therefore exceedingly appealing. That is one big generous gift that Mother Nature endowed this women with a hypnotizing appearance with.


More examples of the most beautiful women of all time

The first American-Chinese film celebrity of the early 20th century, Anna May Wong, is one of the bright examples of the most beautiful woman of all time. Notwithstanding the fact that racist views were quite accepted at that time, she managed to obtain astounding success in the cinematographic sphere. Sometimes she even had to compete with white Americans in order to get a role of an Asian women, can you imagine it? But she slowly moved to her goal, without withdrawing or fearing any hardships. Even after she had been shamed by her own people when visiting China, she didn’t stop. She proved it to everyone that beauty has no boundaries and women are far from been weak, as well as self-reliant.  In the YouTube vide “20th CENTURY STYLE ICONS: Anna May Wong” you may find out more about the actress.


Anna Pavlova embodies Slavic beauty. Anna was a one of the most well-known Russian ballerinas, an extraordinarily gifted prima, who was loved and appreciated all over the world. After having immigrating to England she traveled all over the world with her ballet troupe in order to introduce to everyone the art of ballet. In some countries she and her artistic family were even the first one to get people acquainted with this kind of art. Anna mesmerized people with her gracious moves as well as amazing natural beauty. Not only was she an amazing professional dancer with great dancing skills, she was also a strong person, who didn’t stop in the face of any obstacles. Just look how gracious and majestic she is in her dance in the video “Anna Pavlova - The Dying Swan” Her natural beauty and fortitude put her on the map of the early 20th century. 

Rita Martin is one of those women of the late 19th century with luminous beauty, who manages to achieve great success and public recognition. And all thanks to her natural beauty. She started as a model and quickly managed to endear photographers and the public to herself. Later in her modeling career she even decided to become a photographer herself, which she successfully did!


Lily Elsie is another example of beautiful actresses, who mesmerized everyone with her natural refinement and allure. She bewitched everyone around her with her grace, refined movements and beautiful innocent-blue eyes. She proved of the natural beauty is exceedingly powerful. Besides, she was quite a talented actress, who could easily impersonate her characters or embody them on the stage. Therefore, not only her alluring beauty made her worth to be righteously called one of the most beautiful women ever, but also her professional talent, as well as mild and agreeable personal character. 


Here is one more instance of amazing actresses, who manages to achieve success die to her skills and magnificent beauty – Miss Thermonde who was a real embellishment of the stage. 


Maude Ewing, another American actress, bewitches us with her alluring glaze from this picture. Maude started her acting career from the very early ages. The thing is that her mother was an actress, so she had to move with her everywhere, wherever and whenever her mother’s troupe was about to make a performance. Apparently, she was enraptured over acting career thanks to her mother and so she started acting herself. However, at the her heyday she decided to leave her career the way it was – successful, prominent, renowned – and cease being one, giving priority to more down-to-earth things in her life. 


This is Cléopatra Diane de Mérode. Having herd her name you already aware of the fact that this amazing woman was extraordinary and definitely worth public attention. Although society deemed dancing a shameful activity when it comes to professional sphere, this woman didn’t pay attention to that spit and anger and decided to be one. She was fascinated by dancing from her childhood and didn’t care what the bourgeois French society tended to thing on the issue. One way or another, she managed to achieve success, mostly thanks to her unusual and extraordinary beauty for her times. Once she became famous she was beloved by everyone in every corner of Europe. Her photographs were vastly used by various advertising companies, she was the face of tons of post cards and posters etc. Her beauty did subjugated everyone, without any doubt.  Above that all, she was ardently adored by King Leopold II and granted her with attention and his royal kindness in any way possible. For this he even acquired a funny nickname.  Poor king, he was just mesmerized by the beauty of this magnificent women. 


Old photo restoration

Surely enough all women have their own unique beauty, which we should embrace. That’s what I believe in.  One way or another, vintage photos illustrate to us how exactly it should be embraced – highlighting natural beauties and not being in a constant pursue of trends and mainstream standards. I bet your families also have tons of old photos which definitely deserve attention. Perhaps you may accidentally find you grand-grandmother’s old picture and understand that she is not less beautiful than any women in this article. Without any doubt, time is not merciful and it tends to ruin things no matter how attractive and alluring they are. Old photographs can be ruined with time by direct sun rays, incorrect storage, careless treatment and many other reasons. They may be scratched, spilled with liquids, marked with ugly spots and even torn apart. That’s a pity, since they may tell so much, they carry so many histories and recollections. 

If you are one of those people, who cherish memories and consider old photos to be a treasure, you have found the right place, congratulations my pal! We know how precious memories can be and so we appreciate all the vintage photos we get at our photo restoration company. The Damaged Photo Restoration Company can offer you all kinds of photo restoration serves necessary for your vintage photo images. Our professional team of skilled photo editors is perfectly capable of brining your old photos back to life and even of making them look better. You are welcome to have a look at our photo restoration samples in our portfolio that will definitely ensure you in the professional skills of our photo retouching team. Above that all, we have quite reasonable and not sky-high photo restoration prices.    We are always ready to help you and your vintage photographs.


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