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Children funny photos: the post of nostalgia

New solutions and equipment in the field of photography and trends, which sets the world-famous social network Instagram, encourages people to share their photos every minute of their lives.

Today, users of the Internet are not surprised by food photos, exotic travels, expensive gifts or extreme selfies. People created the new tendency, using special programs and photo restoration services they recreate their children's photos. Digitizing them, almost all users spread the most amusing and pictures of childhood memories in social networks. The Internet already has a lot of videos, where bloggers share their recent photos posted on the Internet, discuss them and laugh. For example, the video of this guy “REACTING TO OLD INSTAGRAM PICS!” gained more than a million views, where he just laughs at his hair in photographs of the recent past. 

It's a good idea to post pictures of childhood memories on your profiles. Friends and acquaintances who see these pictures involuntarily smile and remember themselves in their youth. In social networks, there are whole flash mobs, devoted to old photographs, both black and white, and color. Those people who do not have children's photographs can put a picture of their youth. The purpose of such actions is to fill the social media news with good memories and childish smiles.

Now let's figure out how to put your children's photos on the web, which you found on the film or in your children's album. To save your old photos and photos of your ancestors, you need to reshuffle your home photo archive into an electronic form as soon as possible.


Scanning photos is the function which the most popular among the mass Internet user. Even the popularity of digital cameras, autonomous or embedded into mobile phones, does not fail to deny our common past, when the photographs were mostly black and white, and printed by professionals in a photo studio. Each of us has a paper photo archive that you want to brag to friends and acquaintances on social networks, and scanning photos is often the only way to do that, because the teapot talks in the kitchen for watching family photo albums became a thing of the past.

Childhood pictures, group pictures of the school class made by an invited photographer, wedding photos of parents, studio photos of ten years ago   all these treasures stored in each family, sooner or later get into the scanner, and then sent by mail, posted in a network, combined into an electronic Family archive. 


The past in ancient photographs continues to retain its importance even in the modern world: each of us likes himself in children's photographs and tries to convey this image to his new acquaintances. Scanning photos helps to create a voluminous and extended in time its own image, which includes our favorite dog we played with in our childhood and a neighbor on the school desk and our mother with a funny hairdo in a school disco. 


All these captured moments of our pre-technological past are becoming the object of creative inspiration for the networked residents armed with the scanner: usual photographs after the scanning join together and become collages   romantic and humorous, good-natured and mocking. With the help of image processing programs, landscape photos turn into wallpaper for desktop, become part of art projects, things and people on them change their own color and mutate at the will of the designer. The photography is one of the most objective images of the world and man which is transforming into a space for the realization of creative ambitions.


If you want to make an original gift for a wedding, a celebration, a holiday or a banquet, send invitations to a wedding of personal design, make a portrait of your girlfriend in the style of Pin-Up, then you need to bring the photos in the appropriate form. In this case the program for adjusting photos (Photoshop editor) or photo workshops step into the breach, but recently it is popular online services in public settings. For example, our team of editors can perform any photo processing, because retouching and restoring photos is our specialty. We will even take care of the restoration of the most spoiled images, our photo restoration samples you can look at the site and make sure that everything is within our power. If necessary, we will perform any manipulations with the image: photomontage, deletion of objects, etc.

Scanning our childhood pictures is the best way to save them 

The best result in the digitization process can be obtained with the help of a scanner. This operation is not required special equipment at all   it will be enough to use the scanning module of an inexpensive MFP. Before starting work, be sure to clean the glass surface of the scanner. 


The minimum required resolution for scanning a photo is 300 dpi, but in reality a good combination of quality, scanning time and memory usage represents a resolution of up to 600 dpi. If you plan to print childhood pictures in large format later, for individual photos on paper you can set the scanner to the maximum resolution. If you intend to additionally edit photos, save them in TIFF format, which provides lossless compression. 


If the photos are only for viewing on the screen or posting on social networks, the JPEG and PNG formats are also suitable. The default color is 24-bit (8 bits per channel). A lot of scanners also support 48-bit path   it sounds more impressive, but this difference does not matter for display or printing. However, if large-scale processing is planned, it is better to use a depth of 48 bits, even if your image editor does not support working with 48-bit color. Photoshop, of course, will cope with it, but Photoshop Elements is only in part.


We not recommend using preinstalled programs for scanning in Windows and OS X because they are inconvenient. Spending money on special software for scanning is not necessary, usually it can be found on the websites of the scanner manufacturers for free. With this software, for example, you can scan a lot of your amazing child photos at one stroke, and then the program recognizes different pictures, automatically separates them, aligns and saves the result in separate files so that you can easily create archives of your scanned images. 


But after all not everyone has the scanner, and sometimes it is necessary to digitize only a few photos. In such cases, you can simply take a picture. Of course, for this you can collect a whole complex of digitizing from a DSLR camera and an expensive tripod, but you do not need to do this. If you visit your grandmother in the village once a year, you have enough smartphone cameras, and you can get free applications like Heirloom. You just need to make sure that the application covers all four corners of the photo, and everything else, for example, correcting the orientation of the image, the program will perform automatically. And also you can choose fragments or share your amazing child photos with your friends.


If you do not have the time, desire or equipment for self-scanning, contact the services involved in scanning photos, they are usually in supermarkets, and also on the Internet. 

To digitize slides and negatives, you need a scanner with a slide module with a resolution of 2800 dpi. If the pictures are large, the resolution should be even 4800 dpi. For the foreseeable number of slides, so-called adapters for copying slides for digital cameras are also suitable; it is an affordable alternative if the rest of the camera equipment is already available. The third option is special scanners for digitizing slides and negatives. 


Large collections can contain several thousand slides, and their scanning will take more than one month. If you do not want to fiddle with old photos for so long, contact a specialized service or get a film scanner that gives the frames one by one, like a projector. By the way, you can find a lot of useful information how to store your photo archive in this article “Turn the moments into memories right storing photos”, even if you digitize all your photos. 


Be that as it may, photos are a memory of the past: the youth of parents, our childhood, school, institute, first love. Each picture comes laden with a piece of our life, which you want to keep for yourself and descendants. Of course, you can create a family album, breaking it into periods of life. Or come to the Ellen show and show off your children funny photos or university fun pictures “Can You Believe These Bad Paid-For Photos?” to laugh with all the audiences. 

But the best option as we found out is to scan the collected paper photos (it's really a laborious process!) and place pictures in the online photo storage service, for example, iCloud Photo Stream, Dropbox, Everpi, Flickr, SkyDrive and others. This allows you to see photos from any computer, show them to a friend, and give the access to a relative. Plus, these services offer the ability to restrict access to private photos of individuals, set passwords. All services are excellent in their work and differ only in details, such as the amount of free space, support for various formats, etc. The cost of storing your photos on such services ranges from zero to several dollars a month. In addition, all photos can be recorded on an optical or hard disk.

Believe us, it's worth spending time on all these manipulations, and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will surely thank you.


What to do with your pictures of childhood memories

Surely you will wonder what to do with your photos when you digitized them. There are several options, besides just to share them with friends on social networks.

1. You can make a collage of your children funny photos. You can use the same funny pictures of your parents or your children. Accompanying each photo card with a signature, you can create your own unique funny family tree.

2. You can use your children funny photos as an interior decoration. To do this, you will need unhackneyed photo frames, which you can put on the table or decorate the wall. Looking at your photos, they will always evoke a smile on your face.


3. Recently, one very interesting movement is gaining popularity in the world   the recreation of children's pictures. Such an amazing idea has resonated with many people in the world who not only posted their old photos on the Internet, but also tried to recreate the atmosphere, costumes and details captured in the photo. In our article “Before after childhood photos recreate old photos professionally” you will see a large number of such examples, you may also want to play around your children funny photos.

4. If it turns out that someone else or some important historical event is photographed in your photos, that is, your amazing child photos bear some kind of global historical value, then you can place copy pictures in service of the local museum.


5. Another option, how to use children's photos is to design an album or photobook. This can become a touching and sweet gift to your loved ones. To do this, you need to take pictures of your family, scan them, retouch and decorate them in a photobook. In addition to this, from the scanned photos you can make a funny video, which will look much more interesting than flipping the album.

In the grand scheme of things, the ideas are mass where and how to apply such photos, it all depends on your imagination. Such pictures should make you laugh, and not dusting somewhere in the attic or under-the-ceiling storage bin.


You can always resort to any photo restoration services, no matter what photos you want to restore childhood pictures or old black and white. Our photo restoration prices will pleasantly surprise you, and the team of specialists will help you to realize any of your desires concerning the restoration of photographs: something somewhere to finish, retouch, restore quality, add clarity or add color to black and white pictures.


The photo is designed to capture some important moment of life in the history of people, from photographs we can determine what was fashionable once, what hobbies in childhood we had and just how we looked just a few years ago. But a photo collection of these old black and white photographs will make you laugh “Odd, Strange, Bizarre, Funny vintage photos. Part 1”, and in fact these were photos of someone's relatives or simply wonderful old photos, which also displayed all sorts of funny moments of history. 

Do not hesitate to share your childhood pictures, your childhood story depicted in a photo can inspire other people to share photos or simply cause positive emotions that are so necessary for us today.


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