Damaged Photo Restoration
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Before after childhood photos - recreate old photos professionally

At the beginning of the last century, photography was not as accessible as it is now, so a few black-and-white photographs remained in memory of our ancestors. More than one generation carefully safekept these pictures, but paper photographs cannot withstand time, they fade and are damaged. Color photos fade faster than black and white. With the advent of modern technologies, it became possible to restore and save the damaged photographs, to hand over the family archive to subsequent generations in a digital form, protected from damage from outside.


The old, yellowed, cracked from time, but such a dear picture of our memory. In the old photos, their own soul – there are people and events that have gone to the distant past, and very often the old photo is the only thread that connects us to them. The wedding of our parents, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, our children's photos – all of them are stored in our family albums. Many families carefully store photographs of the military and pre-war years. It is important that not only our generation could touch the past, but our future descendants could see, hold in their hands, appreciate, and feel what has long been history. But time is ruthless – the photo fades, is rubbed along the edges, covered with a network of thin scratches.


Restoration of old photographs allows you to restore a seemingly completely lost image. Removing dust, scratches, prints of bends and cracks; restoring colors and contrast, paint black and white photos –give a new life to your old photos recreated by different editing techniques. Modern technology will allow you to store such a picture electronically for an indefinitely long time and print out when you need it.

When recreating old pictures, you need the same careful attitude to the pictures with which they are stored in family archives, because memories are priceless. The main requirement is to restore the original as accurately as possible, without distorting the original image, the attentive to every detail, because this is the memory of our dear people. 


An ancient photograph does not like rushing at restoration and vanity in pursuit of immediate saving and profit. It was stored not one decade, but sometimes a whole century, and waited for the emergence of new technologies that would give it a new life. The photo of the beginning of the last century preserved the unique atmosphere of the past era, unhurried and slow paced life, when in everyday life people did not forget to enjoy the beautiful and attached importance to every pleasant trifle. In the yellowed images of a hundred years ago, you can see the importance attached to the details of the interior and clothing, to feel the seriousness of the approach to the photo created for the century. When recreating old photos it is important not to destroy this atmosphere by automatic and thoughtless post-processing.


The old photo has a unique character, formed by the roughness and texture of the paper. Therefore, ways to improve modern photos, or retouching, are not suitable for restoring old ones. For example, fast and popular blur based methods make the old photo smooth, heterogeneous or artificial. Remove the time blooming with retouching techniques means to erase the entire story and depersonalize the picture.

How to restore lost fragments of a photo? 

There are times when there are many damages in the photo, but the image can be restored from the nearest whole sites. In other cases, the object in the image can be completely lost, for example, some object, part of the body, face or landscape, and you cannot find out the remaining parts as it looked. Here the restoration ends and the artist begins his work. The restorer can invent the missing elements, but it is more correct to take them from other photos of the archive, taken at the same time. The task becomes more complicated if there are no other pictures, and the owner of the photo has no idea what was worn at that time or which item was on the lost fragment.


In this case, the lost objects can be taken from other photographs. It is necessary to determine what could be the missing fragment and work creatively. Understand what were the trends and fashion craze of that period, the style of clothing, furniture, background in photo workshops, etc. To photomontage was imperceptible, and the object looked organically, it is necessary to give it the appropriate appearance: lighting, shadows and texture. After a good restoration the photo should look not restored, but well preserved details.


The old pictures recreated include several stages:

- Scanning of the original image with high resolution;

- Elimination of scratches, dust, stains, small scuffs and cracks, simple color correction (simple restoration);

- Restoration of lost image fragments, noise reduction, work with image toning or image rendering from black and white to color, artistic photo processing, photomontage, background replacement (example: bringing several different works to one style) – complex restoration.

The hardest part is to restore the lost parts of the portrait in old photographs. Here even small mistakes change facial features and expression. Especially it concerns the eyes. To the face looked natural, sometimes you have to work as an artist and draw a portrait.

Recreating old pictures is a new trend in photography art

The eye of a photo artist is fixed up in a special way – for some reason some people are able to see such a play of light and shadow, to notice such details of the landscape that remain completely invisible. Most of us use the camera utilitarianly. But recently, even for the owners of cheap P&S cameras there was a chance to become real masters of production photography.


This direction is called recreating old photos – that is the reconstruction of old photographs. Surely you have comical, funny or just memorable photos; there are many good memories when you look at them. The idea is to make an identical picture after many years. It will be necessary to find the place where the first picture was taken, to dress in the same or the most similar clothes, surround yourself with original or identical objects, and take the same pose and facial expression.


For the first time the idea to make a series of similar photographs came to the head of photo artist Irina Werning from Buenos Aires. While she is preparing the second series of photos of the cycle “Back to the Future”, amateur photographers around the world are creating similar projects. No special skills are required – only observation is needed. Carefully study the details of your favorite photo, collect all the participants, stock up the props and start shooting.


Back to childhood: the most ridiculous attempts to recreate old photos of children 

Each of us in the old photo albums have cute children's photos, which are always interesting to see. You can forget that you had a funny haircut or how cute you were smiling when you did not have teeth, and once again remember your favorite dog or parrot which was the best friend of your childhood. Some people, inspired by nostalgic memories, recreate their children's photos in adulthood and, honestly say, this is very touching.



Our children's photos cause us a lot of different emotions – from horror and emotion, to laughter and nostalgia. And what if you try to return the childhood for a short while, repeating your photos after many years? It turns out funny and nice.


How wonderful it is to grow up with your little brother or sister! And in fact, almost every person has a lot of photos, where children's adventures are also imprinted, and silly antics, and ridiculous facial expressions, and even professional photo shoots are. To date, we have creative old pictures recreated fashion trend from childhood! Maybe they will inspire you too! 


Recreating old pictures you can again feel like children, and, of course, have fun with the soul. Not to speak of the fact that a perfect gift for your loved ones will be made out of collages.

Photographic composing for amorous twosomes


Recreating old photos in all the details is an exclusive decoration of the family photo album and an excellent income for photographers. As an option, a regular photo session with the reconstruction of all the details, including entourage, costumes, poses. The photo session can be repeated every year, every month, and every week, depending on the wishes of customers.

Look at the couples who recreate old photos. Does not this prove that true love is eternal?


Aging, alas, no one can avoid, this happens to all of us. But love never gets along in years. Look at the loving couples in these photos of photo restoration samples. While their physical age has changed, their love for each other is still as young as on the day they first met.


These photos seem to be trying to remind us that although many things become harder with the years (dancing breakdance, traveling for long distances, making hysterics in public, etc.), one thing is always easy – this is the ability to love.


  Our photo restoration services for everyone interested


We are sure that each family stores albums with dilapidated photographs. After all, the memory stored on these faded photographs is dear to our parents, us and our children. These photographs keep the history of the family, and hand down it from generation to generation. Therefore, it is important for each of us to treasure such memory in the proper quality, without unnecessary risks and fears that the old photos will eventually lose their color, crumble or suffer from moisture. Alas, nothing lasts forever! And the most ruthless is the time to the most precious – to our memory and especially to paper photographs. Years in no way contribute to the quality of these old photographs. Photos in albums and on the walls fade, crinkle, exfoliate, tarnish, become stained, scratched, creased and dust, and sometimes even tear off whole pieces. Such incidents happen with all the paper photographs and with modern, and even more so with the old ones...


Thus, for the preservation of their family photo archives, we recommend order professional photo restoration services. Such retouching not only renews and refreshes old photographs, but also allows saving them in digital format, which will protect them from the harmful influence of the environment and accidental damage. The photo archive of old photos recreated in digital format can be easily shared in social networks. 


To order the restoration of photos, just contact us. Our designers will study the degree of damage to the photos and call the price for their restoration. The photo restoration prices you can find in the section at the top of our web-site.

Many are interested in the processes of how specialists recreate old photos. We are ready to answer these questions in advance, thus warning your undue concern for the safety of the originals. The original of your photo is taken by us for its subsequent scanning on high-precision equipment, and further manipulations over the photograph are already taken over its digital copy. Thus, the original of your photo is returned to you in its original form, and after the completion of the restoration work, you receive another photo, the same as the old one, just restored and retouched. At your request, the digital version of this photo can be sent to you by e-mail or recorded on a flash drive.


The old photos recreated service to order implies the removal of all traces of external influence on the photo imprint, the removal of scratches, creases, stains, tears, dust and other. Also our designers, as part of their remit and capabilities, restore the former contrast and clarity of the photo, which inevitably are lost due to negligent operation and chemical processes that affect the preservation of colors and contrast. In addition to all of the above, we are ready to perform for you the restoration of colors on the old faded photos, add shots of brightness, contrast and make your old photo as clear and worthy of your memory. In addition, we are ready to restore torn corners and missing fragments so accurately that the restoration of old photographs will become invisible to the unsophisticated viewer.


 If you have a black and white photo of your relatives or friends, but would like to have a color photo, we will happily come to your help!

Coloring black and white photographs allows you to turn black and white photos into color ones. And after adding color on black and white photos, your photos will shine bright and juicy hues.

If you do not know what to give to your grandparents for the anniversary – order from us the restoration of their old photos!

Recreating old photos will be a pleasant surprise for your family members, and for everyone who cherishes the memory of their past!

Even the restoration of photos of relatives who have already left us will delight your parents and acquaintances. 

There is a rumour: Money is dust. Clothes are the wind. And memory is eternal capital!

 We have tremendous experience with old pictures recreated manipulations. Therefore, regardless of the degree of damage, we will try to restore to it the original appearance.


  No doubt, after the restoration of the photo, you can decorate your retouched photo with an interior, a photo album or decorate your family tree so that your descendants keep a memory of your generation for many years.

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